Welcome to Ganaderia Tres Mujeres

At Ganaderia Tres Mujeres we are dedicated to breeding the finest Brahman cattle using the best Brahman genetics available. We have Brahman cattle herds in both the United States and in Mexico. Our purebred Brahman herd is built on Brahman genetics that are proven to be successful.

We are crossing some of the best lines of cattle from Heritage Cattle Company with J.D. Hudgins breeding and we are very pleased with the results in our Brahman herds. We currently focus our Brahman herd on Grey Brahman genetics and have bloodlines from International Brahman Champions, National Brahman Champions, Maternal Merit Brahman Cows, Register of Renown Brahman Donors, Trait Leading Brahman Bulls and Tender Carcass Brahman Sires in our herd.

Our focus is on breeding exceptional Brahman cattle and we place a large amount of importance on our embryo transfer program in order to create the best Brahman cattle possible.
We never forget that our Brahman cattle must have exceptional conformation, muscle, fertility, breed character, carcass traits, efficiency, docility and of course tremendous eye-appeal that every Brahman breeder is looking for in their herd.


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We are proud of our Brahman Champions in the U.S. and Mexico.


Looking for Brahman Cattle? See what we have to offer!


See what Media we have been using to promote our Brahman.